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Israel Could use Nuclear Bomb on Gaza says Minister

A recent radio interview featuring Israeli Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu has stirred significant controversy due to his suggestion that a nuclear bomb might be a possible option in Israel's ongoing conflict with the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip. These remarks have drawn sharp criticism from various quarters, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Eliyahu, a member of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, argued that using a nuclear bomb could be a viable option in addressing the ongoing conflict in Gaza. These comments have raised serious concerns globally, as the international community closely monitors the situation in the region.

Prime Minister Netanyahu swiftly responded to Eliyahu's statements, emphasizing that such a course of action was "not based in reality." He reiterated Israel's commitment to upholding international law and minimizing harm to civilians, stating, "Israel and the IDF are operating in accordance with the highest standards of international law to avoid harming innocents. We will continue to do so until our victory."

Israel's opposition leader and former Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, also condemned Eliyahu's comments, calling for the removal of the "irresponsible minister."

Eliyahu further fueled controversy by using controversial language to refer to Gaza residents and opposing the passage of humanitarian aid to the Strip. He contended that there are "no such thing" as unassociated civilians in Gaza, suggesting that everyone in the region is somehow connected to Hamas.

The Israeli minister also expressed support for retaking the Gaza Strip and restoring Israeli settlements there. When asked about the fate of Palestinians should Gaza come under Israeli control, Eliyahu suggested that they could "relocate elsewhere" and find a solution themselves.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza, where Hamas has been in power since 2007, has been a long-standing point of contention between Palestinians and Israelis. The region has witnessed frequent and devastating conflicts, resulting in significant loss of life and infrastructure damage.

Eliyahu has since issued a clarification, claiming that his comments were "metaphorical." In a tweet, he stated, "we indeed must display a forceful and disproportional response to terror, which will clarify to the world that terrorism isn't worthwhile. This is the only formula with which democracies can deal with terror." He also emphasized the obligation to work for the return of hostages alive and in good health.


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